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Disclosure Obligations of Criminal Defense Lawyer Charged With a Crime by the Prosecutor

在高等法院专门为刑事案件辩护的澳门赌场官网被联邦检察官办公室指控犯罪,可以继续代表现有的刑事客户,也可以接受新的刑事辩护代理, but only if the lawyer makes full disclosure to his existing and potential clients and obtains their consent.


  • 规则1.3(勤奋与热情)
  • 规则1.(利益冲突:一般规则)


An attorney’s practice is limited to defending clients charged with criminal offenses in the Superior Court. The attorney has himself been charged with possession of marijuana by the United States Attorney’s office, 澳门赌场官网的案子正在高等法院审理中. 所提出的问题是,在其刑事案件未决期间,澳门赌场官网是否可以继续代表其现有客户并接受新客户,而不向客户披露对他的刑事指控. The lawyer feels that his judgment on behalf of his clients will not be affected by the pendency of the criminal charges against him, and he feels that he ought not to be obliged to make any disclosure to his clients as a result.


此调查受规则1管辖.《澳门赌场官网》第7(b)(4)条. 该规则规定,未经同意:

. . . 有下列情形之一的,澳门赌场官网不得代理委托人: . . . (4)澳门赌场官网代表委托人作出的专业判断将受到或合理可能受到澳门赌场官网对第三方的责任或利益或澳门赌场官网自身财务状况的不利影响, 业务, 财产, 或者个人兴趣.


A lawyer may represent a client with respect to a matter in the circumstances described in paragraph (b) above if: (1) each potentially affected client provides consent to such representation after full disclosure of the existence and nature of the possible conflict and the possible adverse consequences of such representation; and (2) the lawyer is able to comply with all other applicable rules with respect to such representation.

我们毫不犹豫地发现了规则1.7(b) applies to the inquirer’s situation and that it compels disclosure to the inquirer’s clients and the seeking of their informed consent.

所提出的确切问题是,询问者在其个人案件中作为刑事被告的身份是否会引起一个问题,即他在刑事案件中为其客户辩护的专业判断是否会或合理地可能受到不利影响. 根据向我们提供的事实,我们认为确实如此. The inquirer is in the process of being prosecuted by the same office that prosecutes his clients. 不可否认的是,询问者要么倾向于降低攻击性——这对他的客户是不利的——以期在他的客户的案件中讨好他的对手,要么倾向于变得越来越咄咄逼人——这对他的客户是不利的——因为他自己是刑事被告.

询问者在问询中有力地声明,他真诚地相信,他代表客户的方式,以及他代表客户进行专业判断的方式,都不会或不可能合理地受到他作为刑事被告的身份的影响. 我们相信, 尽管询问者在这方面无疑是发自内心的信念, 一个客观的观察者可能有理由相信,询问者代表他的客户作出的专业判断会受到他个人情况的影响. 因此,必须根据规则1通知他的客户.7(b)(4).1

在D.C. 意见没有. 210 (April 17, 1990), this Committee had an opportunity to examine an analogous situation. 在这种观点下, we considered the situation of a lawyer principally engaged in criminal defense work who applied for a position with the United States Attorney’s office. 意见没有. 第210号案件是根据当时有效的《澳门赌场官方软件》作出的,特别是根据DR 7-101(热情地代表客户)和DR 5-101(当澳门赌场官网的利益可能损害其独立的专业判断时拒绝雇佣)。.

当本委员会公布其第. 210, the Court of Appeals had already adopted the District of Columbia’s 职业行为准则, which were to become effective at the beginning of the following year. 委员会认为,处于这种情况下的刑事辩护澳门赌场官网有义务向其委托人透露她申请工作的事实,并根据她尚未提交的工作申请,征求他们同意她继续担任澳门赌场官网. In so doing, this Committee explicitly held that it would reach the same result under 规则1.7.

既然《澳门赌场官方软件》已经生效了, 我们注意到,这里和第2号意见中提出的原则. 210 were and are the principles that continue to govern a conflict of this type. 意见没有. 第210章详细介绍了可能出现的陷阱类型:

澳门赌场官网可能认为,处理她受雇辩护的案件或事项的特定检察官对她的就业前景有一定影响. She may also believe that her advocacy skills as demonstrated in that case or matter will provide a principal basis upon which she will be evaluated. 如果是这样,她可能会寻求给人留下良好的印象. It is difficult to know whether these subjective feelings will compromise her zealous representation of her client. 他们可能会,也可能不会. 在某些情况下, the lawyer may work even harder in her client’s behalf in order to demonstrate her competence and ability.

因此, the lawyer may redouble the effort and time she previously gave to the client’s cause, working more vigorously to master the applicable law and facts of the case. Obscure tactics and defenses may receive greater attention than otherwise, 澳门赌场官网呢?, 努力表现好, may conduct a more thorough discovery to better anticipate the prosecution’s attack. 在试验, the attorney may put forth her defense and counter the prosecution more energetically than otherwise. 所有这些活动, though driven by the lawyer’s personal interest in performing well and enhancing her employment prospects, 对客户也有好处吗. 在这种情况下澳门赌场官网和委托人的利益, 因此, 很可能是一致的吗.

另一方面, 在刑事诉讼中代表客户, 澳门赌场官网经常被要求对诉讼过程作出判断,并维护给控方带来沉重负担的权利,并对澳门赌场官网的委托人定罪造成困难障碍. The prosecutor may view some of defense counsel’s tactics as unwarranted, 技术, 不讲道理的,甚至冒犯到个人的.

Moreover, criminal investigations and trials are the most adversarial of all litigation. 可以预料,公诉人将积极抗辩, 在他争取定罪的过程中, 几乎所有辩方澳门赌场官网的证据开示请求, 审前动议, 审判战术. 在这种激烈竞争和对抗性诉讼的背景下, 对方澳门赌场官网之间的关系可能会变得紧张. 不过, defense counsel is obligated to take whatever lawful and ethical measures are required to vindicate a client’s cause without regard to opposition, 阻塞, 或者个人兴趣, 例如,不希望冒犯或激怒他正在寻求或最近可能得到有利工作考虑的检察官办公室的成员. Where concern for jeopardizing her employment opportunities interferes with a lawyer’s representation of her client, 存在着不可容许的利益冲突.

困难, 因此, 是,, while the lawyer may react in this situation in a manner entirely consistent with her client’s best interests, she could also perceive her own interest to be in conflict with those of her client.

Those considerations apply with equal force to the situation of a criminal defense lawyer who finds himself charged by his adversary2 犯了罪.

在关闭, 我们强调这一点, as the rules point out and as this Committee has observed on several prior occasions, 向客户披露的信息必须是全面和完整的. 该规则本身谈到了“充分披露可能的冲突的存在和性质以及这种代理可能产生的不利后果”.” We think it is difficult for a lawyer to make an adequate disclosure in a situation like this in which the lawyer’s own personal interests are involved. 显然,在与客户讨论时,有一种强烈的倾向,即尽量减少不利关系的后果,并在客户同意的情况下减轻对客户的潜在不利影响.

澳门赌场官网大概是想被委托人雇佣的. 澳门赌场官网真诚地相信他的判决不会受到影响, 尽管我们发现对于一个理性的观察者来说, 可能是. 因此,在客户能够有效地同意并放弃冲突之前,澳门赌场官网很难——但仍然是必要的——为客户召集所有可能对客户造成的负面影响. 澳门赌场官网必须特别谨慎,以确保客户对任何此类不利后果发生的可能性进行公平和公正的评估.

正如法院在有关情况下所说:“充分披露 . . . requires a detailed explanation of the risks and disadvantages to the client entailed in the agreement, including any liabilities that will or may foreseeably accrue to him.” 关于詹姆斯, 452 A.2d 163 (D.C. 1982). Because the situation here is so fraught with difficulty for the lawyer, 我们认为,最好的做法是澳门赌场官网以书面形式向客户披露潜在的不利后果,这样客户就有公平的机会在闲暇时反思这一披露,这样澳门赌场官网和客户之间就不会有争议,因为实际上披露了什么. While a written disclosure is not required in these circumstances by the rules, 这无疑是可取的.

调查没有. 92-10-37


1. 值得指出的是,ABA模型规则1.7用的是更主观的标准. That rule talks about the lawyer’s reasonable belief that the representation will not be adversely affected by the lawyer’s own interests. Despite the apparently subjective nature of the test set forth in the ABA Model Rule and its predecessor in the ABA Model Code, courts have consistently taken the view that the test was in fact an objective one. 无论如何,根据哥伦比亚特区规则1的规定.17, the test in the District of Columbia is a more overtly objective one.
2. The nature of the relationship between the prosecutor and a criminal defense lawyer is particularly acute because the prosecutor’s client is the government. 因此, 在很多方面, the prosecutor becomes nearly a party to the proceeding himself; in some jurisdictions prosecutions are even brought in the name of the prosecutor and not in the name of sovereign.
